• Education Loans

Study Loan for Canada : A Complete Guide

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  • By:CANAM Group
  • Updated On:Mar 18,2024 05:23 PM IST

This blog is the go-to resource for learning how to use student loans to pay for one’s overseas education in Canada. Examine eligibility requirements, loan categories, application procedures, payback schedules, and important points for students. Get professional advice and confidently manage the procedure to realize the dream of studying in Canada.

Study Loan for Canada.webp
An ideal destination for international students from all around the world is Canada. The best institutions have an abundance of possibilities and experiences. However, there is a cost associated with this chance. Choosing to apply for a study loan for Canada is one option for financing education there. A good way to obtain funding for further study in Canada is through an education loan. 

With the help of this thorough guide, students may finally understand the complexities surrounding student loans for international students and obtain the money they need to fulfill their academic dreams.

Types of Study Loans for Canada

Broadly divided, study loans for students to study in Canada can be of the following two types.

Collateral Loan

The candidate for this form of study loan for Canada must offer collateral of some kind. Here, the collateral is pledged as security for a loan amount to a lender. Such a Canadian education loan's collateral consists of:

• Tangible assets, such as non-agricultural land, homes, apartments, or other structures of a similar nature.
• Intangible assets include government bonds, life insurance, and fixed deposits, among others.

The majority of secured school loans to study in Canada are given by Indian government banks. Any government bank education program's maximum loan amount is determined by the collateral security's worth.

Non-Collateral Loan

This is Canada's second kind of student loan. If you don't have collateral to pledge, don't panic; lenders such as private banks, NBFCs, and overseas lenders are ready to assist you in this situation. Private banks and NBFCs may need a co-applicant/co-signer with a minimum financial income and no liabilities, however foreign lenders may approve loans without a co-applicant or collateral.

In this case, obtaining a loan does not require the applicants to give the lender any collateral. However, a co-applicant is required, whose income establishes the likelihood of a loan sanction. It's important to remember that only private lenders as well as a select few foreign ones offer unsecured education loans to students seeking to finance their studies in Canada. NBFCs and private banks like ICICI Bank, Axis Bank, etc. are the primary providers of unsecured education loans.

Study Loans for Canada: Eligibility

The fundamentals of eligibility for applying a student loan for Canada are: -

Immigration statusFor the full term of study program, student must possess a valid study permit.
EnrollmentBe enrolled in a government-approved program at a specified public post-secondary institution in Canada at least half-time
Financial needStudent should possess proof for their financial need and inability to pursue education in Canada.

Student Loans for Canada : Documents Required

The following papers are on a list of those needed for a study loan in Canada.

• Acceptance or Admissions letter 
• Application for Student Loans
• Passport size photos
• Identity verification (valid driver's license, passport, voter ID, and Adhaar card)
• Evidence of age
• Academic proofs
• Score cards IELTS/TOEFL and GMAT/GRE
• Permanent Residency Certificate 
• Bank Statements

Courses Eligible for Canada Study Loan

The banks provide funding to students who want to apply to reputable universities for undergraduate, graduate, or research degrees. Vocational, short-term, and diploma courses in Canada are typically not eligible for education loans from nationalized banks. Banks always favor disbursing loans for courses that are career-oriented since they always consider recovering the whole amount from the student requesting money.

Canada Education Loan Process

Prepared to apply for a Canadian student loan? This is a broad road map:

Research and Compare Loan optionsExamine the conditions, interest rates, and qualifications for each lender.
Gather DocumentsGet ready with the necessary paperwork, such as academic transcripts, study permission, evidence of financial stability, and (if relevant) co-signer's data.
Complete the ApplicationIt's possible that every lender has a distinct application process. Pay close attention to the guidelines they provide.
Await Judgment and Complete the Loan    Before funds are issued, examine and accept the loan terms upon approval.

Parameters to Consider for Student Loan

Compare the loan offers of different banks on these parameters:

Parameters to consider for Canada study loan.webp

Expenses Covered Under a Study Loan for Canada

Bank accepts Canadian education loan, issues document, validates agreement, pays amount in segments or lump sum, as per agreement. This is one of the most significant aspects to consider when applying for an education loan. Because banks provide a variety of student loan programs, it is usually advisable to determine which plan best meets your needs. Different expenditures are covered under different plans, therefore it is always a good idea to check with the bank to see what additional expenses, aside from tuition, are covered by the education loan abroad. The list of expenditures includes: 

• Tuition fee 
• Travel costs 
• Cost of purchasing books and other study materials 
• Lab charge 
• Hostel fees 
• Purchase a laptop (if necessary for the course). 
• Expenses for project work and study tours

Return of Canadian Study Loan

Once the individual obtains a job, repayment begins six months or one year after the course ends, whichever comes first. Once the payback period begins, the loan balance must be returned in 5 to 10 years. Things to keep in mind for repayment of study loans in Canada are: -

Start EarlyUse grace periods for modest payments to lower the amount of interest
Choose a suitable planOpt for a repayment plan that aligns with the income and financial situation.
Explore consolidation optionIf managing multiple loans, consolidate them for streamlined repayment.
Stay informedMonitor the loan balance, interest rates, and repayment terms regularly.


This guide provides information on navigating loan options, applying for education, and securing repayment for international students, aiming to help them make informed decisions and achieve their Canadian educational dreams.

In Canada, students frequently choose to finance their education using education loans. Many students who want to study abroad can finance their higher education and realize their goals of study abroad with the help of education loans. Students who now know enough about Canadian student loans can get in touch with expert study abroad counselors for more advice.


Indeed. Student loans are one of the several financial alternatives available to international students studying in Canada.
A letter of admission from a Canadian university is required before starting the application procedure for student loans. In order to apply for a student loan in Canada, students must provide documentation of their identity, evidence of age, and proof of money if the loan is secured. 
The conditions of the student loan repayment will be determined by the lender agreement. The lender will determine the repayment plan prior to approving the loan.
The primary distinction between loans and other types of financial help, such as grants and scholarships, is that the former need repayment while the latter do not. The final resort for financing education should thus be a loan.

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