Grammar for the IELTS Exam

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  • By:CANAM Group
  • Updated On:Oct 25,2024 11:56 AM IST

The IELTS test shows the world that you can speak and write well in English. The higher your score on this language proficiency exam, the better the chances you have of giving your Academic program preference, especially, when it comes down to choosing programs from all around America or even internationally!

Grammar for the IELTS Exam

The IELTS test shows the world that you can speak and write well in English. The higher your score on this language proficiency exam, the better the chances you have of giving your Academic program preference, especially, when it comes down to choosing programs from all around America or even internationally!

So that you perform optimally in this exam, there's always room for improving your grammar and using various advance grammatical structures. So, feel free to read through this blog and seek information regarding grammar rules because knowing them will help you miss nothing!

IELTS Grammar: How Important Is It?

Though grammar is not tested directly in IELTS as there's no dedicated section for it, you should still be aware that good command of the English language can help you get higher band scores. To make progress across all four sections of the examination include Reading, Writing, Listening, and, Speaking - and includes speaking skills too- Grammar plays an important role!

IELTS Grammar: Speaking

The IELTS Speaking Section is a test of your speaking skills. It is for 11-14 minutes and consists mainly of questions about different topics which range from personal experiences to more general knowledge areas, like arts or music, for example! You'll need knowledge of some basic grammar rules to speak clearly and also avoid looking confused in this section while answering questions later down the line. So, make sure you prepare well before starting practice tests now (don't forget there's an official guide available!).

IELTS Exam Eligibility

IELTS Grammar: Writing

The IELTS Writing section consists of two tasks that must be completed within 60 minutes. In Task-I, you have a chance to analyze graphs and diagrams and explain data based on these graphs. You also write your conclusions for this part; then, there's also an essay question expecting you to understand grammar properly while you deal with reading comprehension passages. It is crucial because you are marked on how well you read and feel like yourselves!

IELTS Grammar: Listening

The IELTS Listening section tests your ability to comprehend the English language. The four recorded parts include conversations with native speakers, monologues that vary in mood depending on the accent used by each speaker--and even some fun games! You'll be asked 40 questions from different sources during these parts. So, it's necessary to understand what they're saying and how people are saying things while communicating anxiety-provoking situations or humor.

IELTS Grammar: Reading

The IELTS Reading section consists of three passages that evaluate your reading skills. The reading section includes 40 questions on various topics and lengths, all designed and to be completed in 60 minutes; it's not an easy task as you are required to recognize writers' opinions/attitudes besides their purpose for writing them. You also need to understand what they're trying to convey through the text very clearly - but with our help, we'll make sure this becomes easier than ever for you!

Also read : IELTS Exam type

Some Grammar Tips

  • Use appropriate tenses while speaking and writing.
  • Use the passive voice while speaking to sound more formal, but choose wisely depending on the situation.
  • The use of modal verbs should be avoided wherever possible because it conveys uncertainty while speaking.
  • Understanding the articles and adjectives allow you to construct well-structured sentences.
  • Having a good understanding of prepositions will help you answer questions clearly, as most mistakes are because of incorrect usage of prepositions.

Read our comprehensive blog on various IELTS Band Scores for a detailed overview of the aspects of the exam and band scores.

Also, if you want to know how to crack IELTS, you must understand the fundamentals of grammar. In addition, prepare for IELTS by taking a prep course at Canamprep.

Once you understand it completely, passing the exam will be a piece of cake for you.

Also read : IELTS Exam dates


Lexical Resource

Grammatical Range & Accuracy


Sophisticated control of lexical features; rare minor ‘slips’ occur

Uses a wide range of structures with full flexibility and accuracy; rare minor errors occur only as slips.


Produces rare errors in spelling and/or word formation

1.Uses a wide range of structures
2.The majority of sentences are error-free
3.Makes only very occasional errors or inappropriate word formation.


Occasional errors in word choice, spelling, and/or word formation

1.Uses a variety of complex structures
2.Produces frequent error-free sentences
3.Has good control of grammar and punctuation but may make a few errors


Some errors in spelling and/or word formation, but to not impede communication

1.Uses a mix of simple and complex sentence forms
2.Makes some errors in grammar and punctuation but they rarely reduce communication


Noticeable errors in spelling and/or word formation that may cause some difficulty for the reader

1.Uses only a limited range of structures
2.Attempts complex sentences but these tend to be less accurate than simple sentences
3.May make frequent grammatical errors and punctuation may be faulty; errors can cause some difficulty for the reader


Limited control of word formation and/or spelling; errors may cause strain for the reader

1.Uses only a very limited range of structures with only rare use of subordinate clauses
2.Some structures are accurate but errors predominate, and punctuation is often faulty


Errors may severely distort the message

Attempts sentence forms but errors in grammar and punctuation predominate and distort the meaning


Essentially no control of word formation and/or spelling

Cannot use sentence forms except in memorized phrases


Can only use a few isolated words

Cannot use sentence forms at all

Also read : IELTS Test Centres


Grammar is crucial for IELTS exam as it can affect your score in the writing and speaking sections. You can express your thoughts clearly and coherently with good grammar skills, while poor grammar can lead to confusion and lower scores.

As long as your overall communication is effective and your message is clearly delivered, you can get a score even if your grammar isn't perfect. However, it is always good to keep improving your grammar knowledge to avoid mistakes that may affect your score.
There are certain concepts of grammar that require attention to avoid some common errors in IELTS exam. It includes subject-verb agreement errors, using the wrong verb tense, incorrect use of articles, and improper use of prepositions. It is important to review all of these areas once.
To improve your grammar skills, you can practice grammar exercises regularly. Also, read English texts to observe sentence structures, and keep reviewing some basic grammar rules

The IELTS Listening and Reading exam both can include various types of grammar questions, including fill-in-the-blank questions, sentence completion questions, error correction questions, and more. Hence, grammar knowledge is helpful to improve overall IELTS scores.

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