IELTS Line Graph Model Answer

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  • By:CANAM Group
  • Updated On:Nov 02,2024 04:35 PM IST

  • The IELTS Line Graph task requires you to describe a visual trend in 150 words. This task contributes significantly to your overall writing score.
  • Line graphs illustrate changes over time, making them a common IELTS task type. Mastering this task is essential for achieving a high score.
  • To excel, focus on identifying main trends, using accurate language, and structuring your response effectively.

IELTS line graph model answer.webp

IELTS Line Graph is one of the two tasks of IELTS writing section. In this task, you will get a visual representation to explain in 150 words. It shows the trend of something like monthly or the number of pushups per day.

Scoring high in this task is important as it carries half the weightage of the IELTS writing section. This blog covers some essential tips you can follow to excel in the IELTS line graph. Also to give you an idea of how to write there is an IELTS Line Graph Model Answer. 

IELTS Task 1 Line Graph

In the IELTS Writing Task 1, you'll encounter a line graph that presents data over time or across different categories. Your goal is to effectively summarise the information shown in the graph. The duration of the task will be 20 minutes in which you are required to write at least 150 words. 

The assessment criteria for this task are task achievement/response, coherence and cohesion, lexical resource, grammatical range, and accuracy. The skills tested in the task are your ability to organise, present, and possibly compare data and to describe an object, event, or sequence of events.

Format of IELTS Writing Task 1 Line Graph Answer

Having a proper structure or format is very important while answering an IELTS Line Graph Answer. It increases the readability of your answer. Here is a simple structure you can use to write an IELTS writing task 1-line graph answer: 

IntroductionBegin by paraphrasing the task question in your own words. Provide an overview of what the line graph depicts, including the time frame and main trends.
OverviewSummarize the general trends or patterns shown in the graph without specific numbers. Highlight the highest and lowest points, any significant changes, and overall trends.
Body ParagraphsFocus on two or three specific trends or comparisons shown in the graph. Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main trend or comparison. Support your points with specific data from the graph, using descriptive language to describe changes (e.g., increase, decrease, fluctuate).
ConclusionSummarize the main trends observed in the graph. Restate key points without introducing new information. Conclude with a final thought or implication based on the data presented.

Also read : IELTS Exam pattern

IELTS Line Graph Vocabulary

Here, we present a short set of vocabulary you may use for writing sentences while analysing or writing a report for a line graph. You may use the following verbs and nouns to describe the IELTS writing task 1 line graph answer:

Increasing Trend

  • Increase/ an increase
  • Rise/ a rise
  • Go up
  • Grow/ a growth
  • Climb/ a climb

Decreasing Trend

  • Decrease/a decrease
  • Decline/ a decline
  • Fall/ a fall
  • Drop/ a drop

Some other Vocabulary

  • Steady
  • Stable
  • Gradual
  • Slight/slightly
  • Remains Steady
  • Remains constant
  • Remains unchanged
  • Fluctuate/a fluctuation
  • Dip/ a dip
  • Plateaued

Time Phrases in IELTS Writing Task 1 Line Graphs

Line graphs may use a variety of time expressions to describe the changes in a line graph that happen over time. Here are a few time expressions that can be used in IELTS writing task 1-line graph answer:

  • Over the period
  • From….to/ between….and
  • Over the next……days
  • In the following…..days
  • ……days later
  • At the beginning of the period
  • At the end of the period
  • The last year
  • The final year
  • Over the next year, and so on……

Also read : IELTS Syllabus

IELTS Line Graph Sample Questions

Wheat exports for three different regions: 1985-1990 (million tonnes)

sample line graph question.webp

Write a report in 150 words.

Model Answer

The line graph presents information regarding wheat exports in three different regions of Australia, Canada, and the European Community between 1985 and 1990.

In a general view, the wheat exports for the Australian region decreased steadily while they increased steadily for the European Community and fluctuated while decreasing for Canada in the five years.

Considering the Australian region, its wheat exports started at around 15 million tonnes in 1985 which increased slightly to about 16 million tonnes in the next year. Then, it decreased slightly to about 11 million tonnes in 1990. In comparison, the exports for the European community first decreased from 17 to 14 million tonnes in the first year till 1986.

The wheat exports for Europe then increased slightly to 15 million tonnes in 1987, remained the same for 1988 then rose sharply to approximately 21 million tonnes in 1990. For the Canadian region, however, wheat exports decreased from 19 to 17 million tonnes in 1986. Then it went upwards to 21 million tonnes in 1987 and 25 million tonnes in 1988, After that, it decreased to 14 million tonnes in 1989 before finally going up to 18 million tonnes in 1990.

Tips for IELTS Writing Task 1 Line Graph

Now you know what is IELTS writing task 1 line graph task. But do you know how you can excel in the same? If not, then don’t worry as this section is for you. Following are the top 5 tips to excel in IELTS line graph question: 

Understand the GraphBefore diving into writing, take a moment to thoroughly understand the line graph presented. Pay attention to the title, axis labels, and any legends that explain the data categories or periods represented. This initial understanding is essential for accurately interpreting and describing the data in your response.
Structuring Your Response
Organise your response in a structured and coherent manner. Start with an introduction that paraphrases the task prompt and provides an overview of the main trends depicted in the graph.

This introductory paragraph sets the stage for the detailed analysis that follows in the body paragraphs. Each body paragraph should focus on a different significant trend or comparison shown in the graph. Use clear topic sentences and supporting details to elaborate on these trends.
Describe Trends EffectivelyUse a variety of descriptive language to describe the trends shown in the line graph effectively. Verbs such as "increase," "decrease," "fluctuate," and "remain stable" convey changes in data points over time. Adjectives like "sharp" and "significant" and adverbs like "steadily" and "marginally" help to qualify the degree and nature of these changes.
Making ComparisonsIf the line graph compares different categories (e.g., countries, age groups) or periods, ensure you make clear and relevant comparisons. Use comparative language such as "while," "on the other hand," and "similarly" to highlight similarities and differences between data points. This demonstrates your ability to analyse the data critically and provide insightful comparisons.
Concluding EffectivelyEnd your response with a concise conclusion that summarises the main trends or patterns observed in the line graph. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion; restate key points from your analysis in a summarised form. This helps to reinforce the overall message of your response and leaves a lasting impression on the reader.


Overall mastering the art of creating an effective IELTS line graph model answer is essential for achieving success in the exam. By understanding the trends shown in the graph and presenting them clearly, you demonstrate your ability to interpret visual data accurately. Regular practice with various types of graphs improves your confidence and familiarity with different scenarios. Remember to structure your response logically. Start with a brief overview, detail the main trends in body paragraphs, and conclude by summarising the key points. This approach not only meets the task requirements but also showcases your analytical skills. Further, it enhances your chances of scoring well in the IELTS examination. If you want to prepare for your IELTS exam connect with the best IELTS coaching institute in India - canamprep.


The typical structure includes an introduction, an overview of the main trends, detailed body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction briefly describes the graph, while the overview summarises the overall patterns. The body paragraphs focus on specific trends, comparisons, and contrasts and the conclusion summarises the whole information. 
Aim for around 150 words. While there's no strict word count, writing significantly less or more than this might affect your score.
Use a variety of verbs and adverbs to describe changes, such as "increased sharply," "declined steadily," and "fluctuated dramatically." Avoid repetition and use synonyms.
Grammar and spelling are essential to consider line graph task. Errors can lower your score, even if your content is accurate. So proofread carefully.
While including specific numbers can support your descriptions, focus on overall trends and patterns. Don't overload your answer with figures.
Practice with various line graphs from past IELTS exams or online resources. Analyse the graphs, identify key trends, and write practice answers.

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