• Singapore

Education System in Singapore

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  • read time3 min Read
  • By:CANAM Group
  • Updated On:Dec 12,2024 05:03 PM IST

  • The education system of Singapore is centralized, the Ministry of Education regulates education at all levels.
  • The system considers hard skills as important as soft and artistic skills.
  • International students can study at institutes in Singapore at any level. 

Education System in Singapore.webp

Singapore, also known as the "Lion City," has one of the most holistic and innovative education systems in the world. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) consistently ranks it amongst the highest in the world. Such trends indicate a style that emphasizes a thorough understanding of the curriculum without compromising the joy of learning. 

Higher education in Singapore also emphasizes research and innovation, with institutes like the National University of Singapore leading the way with rankings in the top 10 universities in the world. In this blog, we delineate the levels that make up the education system of Singapore, with emphasis on post-secondary institutes, characteristics of the system, and requirements for international students to study in Singapore. 

How is the Education System in Singapore?

The education system in Singapore is centralized. This means that the Ministry of Education of Singapore manages educational institutes and the system from primary to higher levels. The ministry is responsible for setting the framework for all entities to operate, including independent or semi-autonomous agencies for teacher training, assessment, vocational education and more. 

The system of education in Singapore operates with the aim of nurturing students to discover their capabilities in a multi-dimensional manner. The system works in a way that students become passionate for learning throughout life and gain all-rounded knowledge and multiple skills. The methods and curriculum work in tandem with the pedagogical techniques to develop capacities for thinking in novel ways, solving problems and creating opportunities for the future.

What is the Level of Education in Singapore?

The meticulously structured education system of this island country in Southeast Asia offers avenues for education from early childhood to higher education. The table below outlines the levels of education, from pre-schooling to university education

Level of Education AgeDurationInstitutes
Preschool Education3-6 Years2 years or morePrivately run childcare centres and kindergartens licensed by Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) 
Primary Education7-12 years4-6 yearsGovernment-funded or government-aided schools
Secondary Education13-18 years6 yearsGovernment-funded, government-autonomous or independently run schools
Post-secondary Education18-22 years1-6 yearsPublicly and privately funded colleges, polytechnics, technical education institutes, arts institutes and universities

The curriculum for preschool education is regulated by ECDA.

At the primary level, students in years one to four follow a common curriculum, whereas, for the next two years, they can select from a range of individual courses at the foundational level.  

In secondary school, students have a choice between three bands or streams - Express (accelerated), Normal (academic), or Normal (technical, with more applied work).

Students who want to apply to university study in secondary school for an additional two years, but if they don’t want to do that, they have other varied options, such as the Institute of Technical Education, junior college, polytechnics, foundational polytechnic programs, and art institutions.

Post-Secondary Education in Singapore

There is a wide array of options for post-secondary education in Singapore. This includes a wide range of institutes, including junior colleges, polytechnics, technical and art institutes, and universities. The overall focus of the system at this level is the integration of technology and innovation with education, which ensures that graduates are well-prepared for the demands of the global workforce. The table below highlights the various institutes for post-secondary education in Singapore.

Type of InstitutePrograms Offered
Junior Colleges or Centralized Institute2 & 3-year programs, pre-university level, and programs lead to the GCE - A Level Examination. Students can join universities and the National Institute of Education to complete a program.  
  • Polytechnic diplomas in biotechnology, engineering, applied sciences, engineering, info-communications, business studies, accountancy, social sciences, health sciences, mass communications and digital media. 
  • Students can join degree programs at the Singapore Institute of Technology after a diploma in polytechnic.
Institute of Technical Education (ITE)Full-time technical programs with optional traineeship programs for skills certification conducted by companies and ITE. Students who perform well can join polytechnics for diploma studies. 
Arts InstitutionsDiploma programs are offered in visual and performing arts, such as music, theatre, dance, interior design, and fashion design. 
UniversitiesUndergraduate and graduate degree programs in arts, social sciences, engineering, business, computing, dentistry, design, law, medicine, music, science and more

List of Top Universities in Singapore

International students who are willing to study bachelor’s or master’s in Singapore can opt for programs in technology, management, education, sustainability, policy-making, sciences and many more.  Institutes offering programs at both undergraduate and graduate levels are given below. 

Amity Global InstituteNanyang Institute of Management
Curtin SingaporeRaffles Design Institutes
Dimensions International College Raffles Education Corp College
James Cook UniversityRaffles Merchandising Institute
Kaplan Higher Education AcademySP Jain School of Global Management
London School of Business and Finance Singapore

Benefits of Education System in Singapore

The system of education in Singapore aims to nurture all children and help them realise their talents. It's strongly tied up with its approach to help students acquire values, have strength of character, foster strong bonds, and have a deep sense of belonging and commitment to family, community, and country. Given below are some of the distinct characteristics that make it unique and the learning experience joyful and well-rounded:

  • Primary and secondary education offers diverse and rich learning experiences for students by integrating social, aesthetic, emotional and moral facets.
  • Students are encouraged to develop their artistic, sports abilities, and musical skills.
  • The system is designed to equip students with 21st-century skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and more.
  • The system allows students to find their interests and choose their path in a formalised manner.
  • Education providers play a crucial role, and their training is considered as crucial. 
  • The variety of programs offered at institutes makes the country a hotspot for education for students from other countries as well. 

How to Study in Singapore?

International students willing to study in Singapore can apply to junior colleges, polytechnics, or universities. They should have the following qualifications for admission to undergraduate and postgraduate programs.

Program LevelRequirements
Undergraduate levelStudent must have completed or will be completing high school and have 12 years of general education; must have the required level of English language proficiency (if required)
Postgraduate levelStudents must have an internationally recognised bachelor’s degree and proof of language proficiency if required

The steps to apply to institutes for higher education are listed below:

  • Research the institutes and programs you want to study in Singapore or talk to expert international education consultants.
  • Check academic, language-related and other eligibility requirements.
  • Apply to multiple institutes to improve your chances of admission. 


The education system of Singapore, like its many other systems, is a model of excellence. It is designed for holistic development and to instil vigour of lifelong learning in individuals.  The system’s adaptability and progressive initiatives keep it at the forefront of educational excellence, which also prepares graduates to thrive in the global professional world. For admission to polytechnics, junior colleges and universities, students have to meet the academic, language and other eligibility requirements. For more information on institutes, programs and admission procedures, connect with study abroad consultants at Canam.


Tertiary or post-secondary education may be fully funded or may come with scholarships at universities and institutes in Singapore which can make it cost lesser than the normal fee. However, getting enrolled in a fully funded program or getting a scholarship is based on factors like academic credentials or co-curricular achievements.  
The system’s strength is that it is geared towards holistic education at all levels. It emphasizes technical skills, knowledge and innovation as much as it holds soft skills, artistic skills, music and sports important. This helps individuals develop a variety of abilities to grow as individuals and professionals. 

Studying in the Lion City (Singapore) has the following benefits:

  • Academic excellence
  • Industry connections with Institutes
  • Cultural diversity
  • Safety of students
International students can enroll in institutes for programs at all levels. The most preferred ones among students are junior colleges, polytechnics, technical training institutes, arts institutes and universities.
International students prefer to study technical programs, management programs, programs in sustainability and energy, finance, and public policy among many others in Singapore. 
Depending on the level of education and institute, the cost of studying in Singapore may range between S$10,000 to S$50,000.
Programs at institutes in Singapore are mostly delivered in English. 

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